Wednesday, February 27, 2008

me in 30 seconds, kind of hard to do...

i hate the way this turned out kind of, and i guess i did not allow myself a lot of time to do what i wanted to do.

the quality of my pictures came out kind of bad when i brought them into imovie, i am not sure how i feel about that. i resized them like i was supposed to, but whatever.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Philadelphia A to Z: A

A is for America! Image taken on Jefferson and Cadwallader Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: B

B is for Barbed wire. Image taken on Thompson Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: C

C is for Community Gardens. Image taken on the corner of Lethgow St and Thompson St.

Philadelphia A to Z: D

D is for Dumpsters. Image taken on Germantown Avenue, next to Germantown Pizza.

Philadelphia A to Z: E

E is for Empty. Image taken on Orianna Street in between Jefferson and Thompson Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: F

F is for Fire Hydrants. Taken somewhere on Master street.

Philadelphia A to Z: G

G is for Graffiti. Taken on 27th street.

Philadelphia A to Z: H

H is for Hot Food. Image taken at the corner of 4th and Jefferson.

Philadelphia A to Z: I

I is for Ice Cold Beer. Image taken at the corner of Germantown Ave. and Jefferson Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: J

J is for Junk. Image taken at the corner of American and Jefferson Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: K

K is for Killed. Sorry for the insensative subject manner, but its all i could think of and i live near it. Image taken on American and Cecil B. Moore.

Philadelphia A to Z: L

L is for Love. Image taken on American Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: M

M is for Murals. Image taken on 4th and Master.

Philadelphia A to Z: N

N is for No Parking. Image taken on 4th Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: O

O is for One Way Streets. Image was taken on 4th and Jefferson.

Philadelphia A to Z: P

P is for Pretzels. Image taken on 4th and Thompson Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: Q

Q is for Questionable tree placement. Image taken of American Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: R

R is for Recycle. Taken on Jefferson Street.

Philadelphia A to Z: S

S is for SEPTA! Taken at 5th and Girad

Philadelphia A to Z: T

T is for Trash. Taken at Jefferson and Hancock.

Philadelphia A to Z: U

U is for things that are Underground (hidden things). Taken at Fairmount and 6th St.

Philadelphia A to Z: V

V is for Victoria (calling cards), taken at American and Jefferson Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: W

W is for Wawa. Taken at Hart Playground, located on Orianna St; between Thompson and Master Streets.

Philadelphia A to Z: X

X is for Xings. Taken at American St and Oxford St.

Philadelphia A to Z: Y

Y is for Yuengling, Taken at Hart Playground, on Orianna Street, between Thompson and Master St.

Philadelphia A to Z: Z

Z is for cars that Zoom. However, this picture is lacking a car and or a car that is zooming. Taken on Jefferson Street.

Monday, February 11, 2008

walking home from center city.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 1:10pm. 2200 block of Arch Street.
I think this was the last block of Arch Street in Center City, it seemed like it ended. This is the last image of some apartments that are actually really far away from Center City, and most likely not worth living in unless you have a car or tons of money to pay for cabs. 

Thus, concluding my "Negative view of Arch Street." 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 1:03pm. 2000 block of Arch Street.
You have a hard time finding parking on Arch Street, even in the 2000 block of Arch Street. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 1:00pm. 1900 block of Arch Street.
Another testament to the wonders of parking in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Really, though towards the 2000 block of Arch Street, nothing of interest really exist. Just a lot of really nice apartments, and houses... and it does not really seem like Philadelphia, at least not to some people.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:53pm. 1700 block of Arch Street.
This is one side of the Comcast building located on the 1700 block of Arch Street. It is the tallest building in Philadelphia, but it has been under construction forever; and its kind of annoying to hear about now.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:49pm. 1600 block of Arch Street.
This map does not really need to be on Arch Street, because nothing is really on Arch Street past the 1600 block except for the new Comcast building, which is not even one yet. Plus, its a Walk! Philadelphia map, it should say "You have to walk! Philadelphia;" if you want to get anywhere you need to go.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:45pm. 1500 block of Arch Street.
This parking lot located on the 1500 block of Arch Street, is a pretty negative parking lot. It is just a parking lot, but it is located in Center City, which can be pretty horrible.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008 12:28pm. 1300 block of Arch Street.
To continue the series of "A negative view of Arch Street," which has the flavor of being rather flat for a reason. This is the expansion of the Philadelphia Convention Center, it takes up the entire 1300 block on the right hand side, and makes parking on this block and the blocks around it near impossible most of the time. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:25pm. 1200 block of Arch Street.
This is a detour sign located on the 12 block of Arch Street, were in which you can here the expansion of the Philadelphia Convention Center expanding. An expansion which engulfs the entire next block, causing a detour which makes traffic horrible and parking even more annoying than it was before the expansion began. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:22pm. 1100 block of Arch Street.
The Philadelphia Convention Center is pretty bad, it has taken over and torn down many buildings, some of which were really great art galleries; forcing them to move and so forth. It takes up a lot of space, and its not that great. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:18pm. 1000 block of Arch Street.
This is the air conditioner outside the Troc, which is located on the 1000 block of Arch Street, in some peoples' opinions the Troc is not a very good venue in Philadelphia, and usually books really bad bands. Usually, bands that were popular among underground music, a couple of years ago. Plus, I played the Troc one time and it was horrible.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:38pm. 900 block Arch Street.

These tattoo shops on Arch Street, are not really that bad. They are your typical tattoo shops, however in the corner you can see that "no parking anytime," sign just peaking its ugly head out of the corner. Also, the location of these tattoo shops might not be the best, since it is on the edge of the Chinatown area of the city. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:10pm. 800 block of Arch Street.
Once again, on the 800 block of Arch Street, parking is pretty bad and it only gets worse as you get closer to center city; which is usually were you are trying to go, but since parking is so bad on Arch Street you quite never get there. 

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 12:03pm. 700 block of Arch Street.
This parking lot located on the 700 block of arch street is horrible due to the fact that even though it kind of helps parking on Arch Street it cost 10 dollars or some horrible amount per day.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 11:58am. 600 block of Arch Street.
No one is allowed to park next to the federal buildings located on 600 block of Arch Street. There is a legitimate reason for this, but it further makes parking on Arch Street, horrible.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 11:44am. 500 block of Arch Street.

This banner was located in front of Independence Hall, and only one question exist when looking at it; why would you want to have breakfast with Ben Franklin? Especially, on a Saturday morning at 9:00.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 11:39am. 400 block of Arch Street.

This is the Holiday Inn located on the 4oo block of Arch Street. Its a hotel and cabs are always pulling in and out from in front of it, and that usually is really annoying. Its more than likely really expensive, just based on the location. I do not even think it has a continental breakfast, at least no sign exist to advertise it.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 11:36am. 300 block of Arch Street.
This is a Souvenir shop located on the 300 block of Arch Street, and I am not really sure why anyone would go into it. Or spend money on the things that are held  within this shop, especially since it is located in Old City; and thing items contained within more than likely cost to much and are pointless.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 08. 2008. 11:33am. 200 block of Arch Street.

First, off tour buses are horrible in the first place and annoy everyone who lives in Philadelphia. They are especially annoying when they take up valuable space in an area of the city such as Old City that already has no parking space at all.

A negative view of Arch Street.

Feb. 8th 2008. 11:23. 100 block of Arch Street.
Parking is horrible all over Philadelphia, and the discovery of this broken meter that had been reported and not yet fixed; and the tickets acquired even after being reported broken, reminded me that parking in Philadelphia sucks. Then, I thought to myself Arch Street kind of sucks, and has a lot of pointless and worthless things on it. Thus, this started the project of "Things that are horrible on Arch Street."

Monday, February 4, 2008

These are pictures of John's Shoes, from 12 Strangers at City Hall

12 Strangers at City Hall

People were in a bad mood today.

This is Chris, he has lived in Philadelphia for about 2 years. He attends the University of The Arts, and he was at City Hall doing his homework today. He loves Philadelphia but could not give me a reason, and he does not hold any fears or reservations about the city. Although he can only speak for Center City, because since he moved to Philadelphia, that is the only place he has been.

Phillip is from New Jersey, and was at City Hall to hang out. He had just gotten out of class and had nothing to do. He explained in a very sarcastic way that Philadelphia was "so much fun." Oddly, the reason he hated Philadelphia is because he feels like he has already done everything he can do in the city.

This is John he is in our class, I ran out of time and he was standing next to me so I took a picture. I am sure that he likes Philadelphia, we can ask him in class, but I do not know him that well.

The is Charlie, or Chuck from Phonexville, as he likes to be called. He was walking through City Hall from Dunkin Donuts. He likes Philadelphia because of the food, and he said the only thing he does not really like is that he feels scared sometimes walking around later on at night.